
Onshore Experience with Offshore Power

A Kiwi - Vietnamese Story

DWS is a proudly New Zealand owned and operated partner offering world-class solutions to exciting companies.  The Founder, Neil Lloyd has a long standing history of working with Vietnamese locals to bring the best the country has to offer to NZ.  After living and working in Ho Chi Minh and establishing key local relationships, Neil returned to NZ to continue to offer innovative solutions at competitive pricing.

Our Manifesto

People say we’re brash. We wear that as a badge of honor. We'll make your product better.

01 We’re in your customers’ corner

Sometimes, that means opposing you.

02 Go ahead, challenge us.

Mediocrity is our nemesis.

03 We don’t spit out answers

Unless we’ve torn apart your questions.

04 Forget suppliers; we’re your partners

That’s how we smash targets.

05 Talk, rant, suggest.

We thrive on brutal feedback.

06 Trust us implicitly

 You need us because we’ve got what you don’t.


Our team

We love to learn and apply exciting new technology and combine it with the wisdom to know what is right for you.  DWS is agile, flexible and ensure we look after our loyal clients. Our lifelong learners will provide you with the ingenious solutions you need.


We are always improving

Our clients

See how we delivered innovative solutions for our customers.

We love tough problems. Find out how we worked closely with our customers to understand their needs and deliver.

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